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Clinical articles and white papers

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Patient stories

Learn more about how our clinical team is helping our patients and their families.

Reducing gaps in care

A 5-year-old with congenital heart disease fell out of care with their PCP and cardiologist but needed to re-engage with the cardiologist due to new symptoms.

How we helped

Our intervention

Our team worked with the patient’s health plan to initiate a new referral to their cardiologist and re-engage the patient with their pediatrician.

Our impact

Despite a gap in care, the patient was able to restart their relationship with their preferred doctors with the support of our care coordination services.

Making needed referrals

A 9-year-old with congenital brain malformations resulting in significant developmental delay needed speech therapy, for which the mother needed a referral.

How we helped

Our intervention

We wrote the referral for a speech therapy evaluation and connected with a therapy provider to ensure the child could start therapy in a timely manner.

Our impact

Our patient was able to access additional care quickly with the support of the Imagine Pediatrics care team.

Improving medication access

A 20-month-old child with cerebral palsy (CP), who was a 24-week preemie in the NICU for more than a year, was out of necessary medication for muscle spasticity.

How we helped

Our intervention

We called the patient’s doctor at Texas Children’s and were able to send over an immediate order to be filled at TCH’s Specialty Pharmacy. The medication was ready within 4 hours, and we followed up to ensure that the patient received it.

Our impact

With our help, this child and their family got easier access to necessary medication and were able to stick to their medication plan.

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Get started today! Call the patient engagement team directly to see if your child qualifies.

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(833) 208-7770