/ Addressing Common Questions About Childhood Vaccines

Addressing Common Questions About Childhood Vaccines

Nov 20, 2024

It’s normal to have questions about vaccines for your child. With so much information available, it can be hard to know what accurate. Here, we answer common questions about childhood vaccines and where you can find more trusted information.

Do Vaccines Cause My Child to Get Sick?

Vaccines contain either inactive, very weak, or only part of the germ that causes a disease. This means they won’t make your child sick but will help their immune system learn how to fight the germ.  

Some children may feel achy, have a mild fever, or get fussy after a vaccine. These are signs their body is building protection. The symptoms are mild compared to the illness the vaccine prevents, which could cause severe sickness or require a hospital visit.

If your child has a weakened immune system, certain vaccines might not be safe. Talk with your child’s doctor to see if any vaccines should be delayed or avoided.

Can My Child Get Multiple Vaccines at Once?

Yes, it’s safe!

Your child might need multiple vaccines during a doctor’s visit, and it is safe to receive them all at once. This won’t harm their immune system. In fact, kids are exposed to many more germs in their daily lives than what they’ll encounter in the vaccines they receive, even when following the recommended schedule.

To help, some vaccines are combined in one shot, reducing the total number of injections your child needs.

Why Do Some Vaccines Require More Doses Than Others?

Vaccines work in different ways, and some need extra doses to fully teach the immune system to fight off a disease.  

These doses have been carefully studied to ensure they provide the best protection and are safe.

Some vaccines also need booster doses later in childhood or adolescence. These remind the immune system to keep up it’s protection.

Why Does my Child Need Vaccines for Diseases That Aren’t Common Anymore?

Diseases like polio and smallpox became rare because children were vaccinated against them! 

When enough people get vaccinated, it slows the spread of the disease. This is called ‘herd immunity’. This helps protect people who can’t get vaccinated, like those with weak immune systems, and babies who have not gotten all their vaccines yet.

But if enough people stop getting vaccinated, these diseases could come back. Vaccinating your child helps protect everyone in the community and keeps these diseases from returning.

Where Can I Find More Information About Vaccines? Many trusted organizations offer fact-based resources on vaccines:

Children’s hospitals

State health services/departments

Health organizations

Your child’s doctor office or clinic

We Can Help

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