/ Why Childhood Vaccines Matter: Keeping Our Children and Communities Safe

Why Childhood Vaccines Matter: Keeping Our Children and Communities Safe

Nov 20, 2024

Vaccines are one of the most important public health achievements in history. They help protect children from serious diseases and make our communities safer.  Let’s look at how vaccines work, why they’re important, and how they protect everyone around us.

How Vaccines Work

Vaccines help our bodies learn to fight off germs.  When a child gets a vaccine, it gives the immune system a harmless piece of the germ, like a protein.  This helps the body learn how to fight the real germ if it ever shows up. This way, the child’s body is ready to stay healthy if exposed to the disease in the future.

Common Vaccines for Children
Some vaccines are especially important for children. These protect against diseases like:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP)
  • Polio
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
  • Rotavirus
  • Pneumococcal
  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
  • Varicella (Chickenpox)

These vaccines are usually given in a series from infancy to early childhood, to make sure children are fully protected by the time they start school.

Why Vaccines are Important

  1. Disease Prevention: Vaccines have made many diseases rare in the U.S. For example, measles used to affect millions each year, but now there are only a few hundred cases each year.
  2. Herd Immunity:  When most people in a community are vaccinated, it stops the disease from spreading easily. This protects people who can’t get vaccinated, like newborns and people with certain health conditions.

Common Concerns About Vaccines

Even though vaccines have many benefits, some caregivers have concerns about vaccines. Here are some answers to common concerns:

  • Safety: Vaccines go through a lot of tests to make sure they’re safe. Side effects are usually mild like a sore arm or a low-grade fever.
  • Vaccines and Autism: Research shows no link between vaccines and autism. Thimerosal, a preservative that contains mercury, once used in some vaccines, has been removed in all childhood vaccines.
  • Natural Immunity: Some people think getting the disease is better for immunity, but catching the disease can be dangerous. Vaccines provide protection without the serious risks that come from getting sick.

Stay Informed and Talk to a Member of Your Child’s Care Team

  1. Stay Informed: Find accurate information from trusted sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
  2. Ask Your Child’s Care Team:  If you have questions or concerns your child’s care team can help. They can explain more about how vaccines work and why they’re safe.

Childhood vaccines keep children healthy and protect our communities. By making informed choices about vaccinations, we help create a safer future for everyone. Let’s continue to support vaccines and protect our children. Together.

We Can Help

Call us today at (833) 208-7770 to get started.

Imagine Pediatrics is dedicated to improving the health and lives of children with special health care needs. We provide virtual-first care and support in the home, 24/7. We don’t replace your child’s current care team. We partner with them to give your child the high-quality help they need, whenever they need it. This includes answering questions about RSV and how to prevent it. Since our services are part of your child’s existing health plan benefits, there’s no cost to you! Call us today at (833) 208-7770 to get started.

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